Flake lock file updates: • Updated input 'hyprland': 'github:hyprwm/Hyprland/1925e64c21811ce76e5059d7a063f968c2d3e98c' (2023-09-20) → 'github:hyprwm/Hyprland/1357b66091ecd73f097d19d527a23a9ae72a4ff1' (2023-09-21) • Updated input 'hyprland/wlroots': 'gitlab:wlroots/wlroots/65bbbbbf0c3d6844cee3c4e294d0ba07e1f82211' (2023-09-09) → 'gitlab:wlroots/wlroots/98a745d926d8048bc30aef11b421df207a01c279' (2023-09-21) • Updated input 'sops-nix': 'github:Mic92/sops-nix/4356a5a0c12c9dc1b6bdde0631c7600d9377ed8b' (2023-09-19) → 'github:Mic92/sops-nix/2f375ed8702b0d8ee2430885059d5e7975e38f78' (2023-09-21) • Updated input 'unstable': 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/970a59bd19eff3752ce552935687100c46e820a5' (2023-09-17) → 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/5ba549eafcf3e33405e5f66decd1a72356632b96' (2023-09-19) |
home-manager-modules | ||
lib | ||
machines | ||
modules | ||
packages | ||
patches | ||
secrets | ||
users | ||
.sops.yaml | ||
flake.lock | ||
flake.nix | ||
My NixOS Configurations ❄
This repository contains the configurations of my machines using NixOS.
What is NixOS ?
NixOS is a linux distribution based on the Nix package manager. It allows fully reproducible builds and a declarative configuration style, using a functionnal langage called Nix (yes, it is the same name as the package manager and the OS).
What is a flake ?
This whole repository is a flake. It is an experimental feature of Nix, allowing for pure evaluation of code. Dependency are fully specified and locked.
How does this work ?
This project manage the configuration of three machines :
- Macintosh, a thinkpad laptop,
- Lisa, a high performance server,
- Newton, a low performance stockage server.
Machines configurations are located in the machines folder, and are using all the custom modules defined in this project.
This configuration defines a number of custom NixOS and home-manager modules. They are respectively defined in the modules and home-manager-modules folders.
Secrets are stored in the secrets folder. They are uncrypted upon system activation using the host ssh key. Secrets are managed using nix-sops.
This project is freely inspired by some really cool projects, including MayNiklas/nixos, pinox/nixos and ncfavier/config.