mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 07:10:51 +01:00
feat(home-manager/mail): continue deprecation of neomutt
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 0 additions and 188 deletions
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
set from = "julien.malka@dgnum.eu"
set record=+dgnum/Sent
set collapse_unread = no
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
set collapse_unread = yes
set from = "julien@malka.sh"
set record= +work/Sent
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# Dracula Theme for Mutt: https://draculatheme.com/
# @author Paul Townsend <paul@caprica.org>
# general ------------ foreground ---- background -----------------------------
color error color231 color212
color indicator color231 color241
color markers color210 default
color message default default
color normal default default
color prompt default default
color search color84 default
color status color141 color236
color tilde color231 default
color tree color141 default
# message index ------ foreground ---- background -----------------------------
color index color210 default ~D # deleted messages
color index color84 default ~F # flagged messages
color index color117 default ~N # new messages
color index color212 default ~Q # messages which have been replied to
color index color215 default ~T # tagged messages
color index color141 default ~v # messages part of a collapsed thread
# message headers ---- foreground ---- background -----------------------------
color hdrdefault color117 default
color header color231 default ^Subject:.*
# message body ------- foreground ---- background -----------------------------
color attachment color228 default
color body color231 default [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ # email addresses
color body color228 default (https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+ # URLs
color body color231 default (^|[[:space:]])\\*[^[:space:]]+\\*([[:space:]]|$) # *bold* text
color body color231 default (^|[[:space:]])_[^[:space:]]+_([[:space:]]|$) # _underlined_ text
color body color231 default (^|[[:space:]])/[^[:space:]]+/([[:space:]]|$) # /italic/ text
color quoted color61 default
color quoted1 color117 default
color quoted2 color84 default
color quoted3 color215 default
color quoted4 color212 default
color signature color212 default
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
set from = "julien.malka@ens.fr"
set record="+ens/Sent\ Messages"
set collapse_unread = no
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
set from = "julien@malka.sh"
# Nom complet de l'expéditeur
set realname = "Julien Malka"
# Génération du champs from
set use_from = yes
set edit_headers=yes
set reverse_name
set mark_old=no
set editor = "nvim -c 'set tw=72' -c 'set wrap'"
#set editor="vim +':set textwidth=0' +':set wrapmargin=0' +':set wrap'"
#set wrap="72"
set folder = ~/Maildir
#set spoolfile=/home/julien/Maildir/ens/Inbox
set mbox_type=Maildir
set virtual_spoolfile=yes
set header_cache=~/.cache/mutt
set sidebar_visible = yes
#set record = "+Sent\ Messages"
set nm_unread_tag = unread
set mail_check_stats=yes
set sidebar_short_path = yes
set timeout=10
set mail_check=10
named-mailboxes "-----work-----" =sep1
virtual-mailboxes "inbox" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-inbox
virtual-mailboxes "dn42" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-dn42
virtual-mailboxes "fosdem" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-fosdem
virtual-mailboxes "frnog" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-frnog
virtual-mailboxes "github" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-github
virtual-mailboxes "lobsters" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-lobsters
virtual-mailboxes "netdata" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-netdata
virtual-mailboxes "nixos-discourse" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-nixos-discourse
virtual-mailboxes "proxmox" "notmuch://?query=tag:work-proxmox
named-mailboxes "-----ens-----" =sep2
virtual-mailboxes "inbox" "notmuch://?query=tag:ens-inbox
virtual-mailboxes "bilan-carbone" "notmuch://?query=tag:ens-bilan-carbone
virtual-mailboxes "cof" "notmuch://?query=tag:ens-cof
virtual-mailboxes "dg" "notmuch://?query=tag:ens-dg
virtual-mailboxes "kfet" "notmuch://?query=tag:ens-kfet
named-mailboxes "---telecom---" =sep3
virtual-mailboxes "inbox" "notmuch://?query=tag:telecom-inbox
virtual-mailboxes "gdr-gpl" "notmuch://?query=tag:telecom-gdr-gpl
virtual-mailboxes "gdr-sec" "notmuch://?query=tag:telecom-gdr-sec
virtual-mailboxes "tous" "notmuch://?query=tag:telecom-tous
virtual-mailboxes "infres-tous" "notmuch://?query=tag:telecom-infres-tous
named-mailboxes "----dgnum----" =sep4
virtual-mailboxes "inbox" "notmuch://?query=tag:dgnum-inbox
virtual-mailboxes "bureau" "notmuch://?query=tag:dgnum-bureau
virtual-mailboxes "nixcon" "notmuch://?query=tag:dgnum-nixcon
set sidebar_width=15
set sidebar_divider_char='|'
# color of folders with new mail
# ctrl-n, ctrl-p to select next, prev folder# ctrl-o to open selected folder
bind index \CP sidebar-prev
bind index \CN sidebar-next
bind index \CO sidebar-open
bind pager \CP sidebar-prev
bind pager \CN sidebar-next
bind pager \CO sidebar-open
bind pager \CK previous-line
set nm_default_url = "notmuch:///home/julien/Maildir"
macro index \\ "<vfolder-from-query>"
set metoo=yes
set query_command="notmuch-addrlookup --config /home/julien/.config/notmuch/default/config --format=mutt '%s'"
set text_flowed
set collapse_unread = no
set collapse_all = yes
bind index - collapse-thread
bind editor <Tab> complete-query
bind editor ^T complete
set sort = threads
set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received
folder-hook "ens-inbox" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/ens.profile'
folder-hook "ens-bilan-carbone" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/ens.profile'
folder-hook "ens-cof" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/ens.profile'
folder-hook "ens-dg" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/ens.profile'
folder-hook "ens-kfet" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/ens.profile'
folder-hook "telecom-inbox" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/telecom.profile'
folder-hook "telecom-gdr-gpl" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/telecom.profile'
folder-hook "telecom-gdr-sec" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/telecom.profile'
folder-hook "telecom-infres-tous" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/telecom.profile'
folder-hook "telecom-tous" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/telecom.profile'
folder-hook "work-nixos-discourse" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/discourse.profile'
folder-hook "work-dn42" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/work.profile'
folder-hook "work-frnog" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/work.profile'
folder-hook "work-inbox" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/work.profile'
folder-hook "work-github" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/work.profile'
folder-hook "work-fosdem" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/work.profile'
folder-hook "work-proxmox" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/work.profile'
folder-hook "work-netdata" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/work.profile'
folder-hook "work-lobsters" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/work.profile'
folder-hook "dgnum-inbox" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/dgnum.profile'
folder-hook "dgnum-bureau" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/dgnum.profile'
folder-hook "dgnum-nixcon" 'source ~/.config/neomutt/dgnum.profile'
set sidebar_format = '%D%* %?N?(%N)?%*'
color sidebar_unread yellow default
source dracula.muttrc
set sendmail = "msmtp"
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
query = is:unread and (tag:work-inbox or tag:ens-inbox or tag:telecom-inbox or tag:dgnum-inbox or tag:dgnum-bureau)
mail_client = kitty -x neomutt -y
recency_interval_hours = 48
hidden_tags = inbox unread attachment replied sent encrypted signed
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
set from = "julien.malka@telecom-paris.fr"
set record=+telecom/Sent
set collapse_unread = no
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
set from = "julien@malka.sh"
set record= +work/Sent
set collapse_unread = no
Add table
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