exporting dnsRecords

This commit is contained in:
Julien Malka 2023-06-05 13:17:58 +02:00
parent 781e6f6f51
commit 9b26220c24
Signed by: Luj
GPG key ID: 6FC74C847011FD83

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@ -181,6 +181,56 @@
lol = import ./lol.nix nixpkgs_plats.x86_64-linux nixosConfigurations.lisa.config.system.build.toplevel.drvPath;
dnsRecords = with nixpkgs.lib;
machineInfo = {
router = { vpn = ""; public = ""; };
verso = { vpn = ""; public = ""; };
saumon = { vpn = ""; public = ""; };
splitSuffix = len: sep: string:
let l = splitString sep string;
[ (concatStringsSep sep (drop (length l - len) l)) (concatStringsSep sep (take (length l - len) l)) ];
isVPN = x: hasSuffix "luj" x || hasSuffix "kms" x || hasSuffix "saumon" x;
extractDomain = x:
if (isVPN x) then (splitSuffix 1 "." x) else
splitSuffix 2 "." x;
domainToRecord = machine: x:
if !(hasInfix "." x) then { } else
zone = head (extractDomain x);
subdomain = last (extractDomain x);
${zone} = {
TTL = 60 * 60;
NS = [ "@" ];
SOA = {
nameServer = "@";
adminEmail = "dns@saumon.network";
serial = 0;
} //
(if (subdomain == "") then {
A = with machineInfo.${machine};
(if isVPN x then [ vpn ] else [ public ]);
} else {
subdomains.${subdomain}.A = with machineInfo.${machine}; if isVPN x then [ vpn ] else [ public ];
getDomains = machine: with self.nixosConfigurations.${machine}.config; attrNames services.nginx.virtualHosts ++ optional services.tailscale.enable "${machine}.saumon";
recursiveUpdateManyAttrs = foldl recursiveUpdate { };
recursiveUpdateManyAttrs (concatMap (machine: map (domainToRecord machine) (getDomains machine)) (attrNames machineInfo));
hydraJobs = {
machines.tower = self.nixosConfigurations.tower.config.system.build.toplevel;