-- This file configures galaxyline, a fast and small statusline for nvim. -- The configuration was taken from github.com/siduck76/neovim-dotfiles/ -- All I did was change the colors. Full credit goes to siduck76 local gl = require("galaxyline") local gls = gl.section gl.short_line_list = {" "} -- keeping this table { } as empty will show inactive statuslines local colors = { bg = "#2e303e", line_bg = "#2e303e", fg = "#e3e6ee", green = "#29d398", orange = "#efb993", red = "#e95678", lightbg = "#2e303e", lightbasdfg = "#393b4d", nord = "#9699b7", greenYel = "#efb993" } gls.left[1] = { leftRounded = { provider = function() return " " end, highlight = {colors.nord, colors.bg} } } gls.left[2] = { statusIcon = { provider = function() return "  " end, highlight = {colors.fg, colors.bg}, separator = " ", separator_highlight = {colors.lightbg, colors.lightbg} } } gls.left[3] = { FileIcon = { provider = "FileIcon", condition = buffer_not_empty, highlight = {require("galaxyline.provider_fileinfo").get_file_icon_color, colors.lightbg} } } gls.left[4] = { FileName = { provider = {"FileName", "FileSize"}, condition = buffer_not_empty, highlight = {colors.fg, colors.lightbg} } } gls.left[5] = { teech = { provider = function() return " " end, separator = " ", highlight = {colors.lightbg, colors.bg} } } local checkwidth = function() local squeeze_width = vim.fn.winwidth(0) / 2 if squeeze_width > 40 then return true end return false end gls.left[6] = { DiffAdd = { provider = "DiffAdd", condition = checkwidth, icon = "  ", highlight = {colors.greenYel, colors.line_bg} } } gls.left[7] = { DiffModified = { provider = "DiffModified", condition = checkwidth, icon = " ", highlight = {colors.orange, colors.line_bg} } } gls.left[8] = { DiffRemove = { provider = "DiffRemove", condition = checkwidth, icon = " ", highlight = {colors.lightbg, colors.line_bg} } } gls.left[9] = { LeftEnd = { provider = function() return " " end, separator = " ", separator_highlight = {colors.line_bg, colors.line_bg}, highlight = {colors.line_bg, colors.line_bg} } } gls.left[10] = { DiagnosticError = { provider = "DiagnosticError", icon = "  ", highlight = {colors.red, colors.bg} } } gls.left[11] = { Space = { provider = function() return " " end, highlight = {colors.line_bg, colors.line_bg} } } gls.left[12] = { DiagnosticWarn = { provider = "DiagnosticWarn", icon = "  ", highlight = {colors.red, colors.bg} } } gls.right[1] = { GitIcon = { provider = function() return "  " end, condition = require("galaxyline.provider_vcs").check_git_workspace, highlight = {colors.green, colors.line_bg} } } gls.right[2] = { GitBranch = { provider = "GitBranch", condition = require("galaxyline.provider_vcs").check_git_workspace, highlight = {colors.green, colors.line_bg} } } gls.right[3] = { right_LeftRounded = { provider = function() return " " end, separator = " ", separator_highlight = {colors.bg, colors.bg}, highlight = {colors.lightbg, colors.bg} } } gls.right[4] = { ViMode = { provider = function() local alias = { n = "NORMAL", i = "INSERT", c = "COMMAND", V = "VISUAL", [""] = "VISUAL", v = "VISUAL", R = "REPLACE" } return alias[vim.fn.mode()] end, highlight = {colors.fg, colors.lightbg} } } gls.right[5] = { PerCent = { provider = "LinePercent", separator = " ", separator_highlight = {colors.lightbg, colors.lightbg}, highlight = {colors.fg, colors.lightbg} } } gls.right[6] = { rightRounded = { provider = function() return " " end, highlight = {colors.lightbg, colors.bg} } }