{ pkgs, config, ... }: let dusk-vim = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin { name = "dusk-vim"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "notusknot"; repo = "dusk-vim"; rev = "8eb71f092ebfa173a6568befbe522a56e8382756"; sha256 = "09l4hda5jnyigc2hhlirv1rc8hsnsc4zgcv4sa4br8fryi73nf4g"; }; }; in { enable = true; package = pkgs.neovim-unwrapped; plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ # File tree nvim-web-devicons nvim-tree-lua # LSP nvim-lspconfig # Languages vim-nix # Eyecandy nvim-treesitter bufferline-nvim galaxyline-nvim nvim-colorizer-lua pears-nvim dusk-vim # Lsp and completion nvim-lspconfig nvim-compe # Telescope telescope-nvim # Indent lines indent-blankline-nvim ]; extraPackages = with pkgs; [ gcc rnix-lsp tree-sitter sumneko-lua-language-server ]; extraConfig = '' luafile ${./lua}/lsp.lua luafile ${./lua}/nvim-tree.lua luafile ${./lua}/galaxyline.lua luafile ${./lua}/settings.lua ''; }