#+title: Eat: Emulate A Terminal Eat's name self-explainatory, it stands for "Emulate A Terminal". Eat is a terminal emulator. It can run most (if not all) full-screen terminal programs, including Emacs. It is pretty fast, more than three times faster than Term, despite being implemented entirely in Emacs Lisp. So fast that you can comfortably run Emacs inside Eat, or even use your Emacs as a terminal multiplexer. It has many features that other Emacs terminal emulator still don't have, for example complete mouse support, shell integration, etc. It flickers less than other Emacs terminal emulator, so you get more performance and a smoother experience. To get the most out of Eat, you should also setup shell integration. * Usage To start Eat, run =M-x eat=. Eat has three keybinding modes: - "semi-char" mode: This is the default keybinding mode. Most keys are bound to send the key to the terminal, except the following keys: =C-\=, =C-c=, =C-x=, =C-g=, =C-h=, =C-M-c=, =C-u=, =C-q=, =M-x=, =M-:=, =M-!=, =M-&= and some other keys (see the user option ~eat-semi-char-non-bound-keys~ for the complete list). The following special keybinding are available: - =C-q=: Send next key to the terminal. - =C-y=: Like `yank', but send the text to the terminal. - =M-y=: Like `yank-pop', but send the text to the terminal. - =C-c C-k=: Kill process. - "emacs" mode: No special keybinding, except the following: - =C-c C-j=: Switch to semi-char mode. - =C-c M-d=: Switch to char mode. - =C-c C-k=: Kill process. - "char" mode: All supported keys are bound to send the key to the terminal, except =C-M-m= or =M-RET=, which is bound to switch to semi-char mode. If you like Eshell, then there is a good news for you. Eat integrates with Eshell. Eat has two global minor modes for Eshell: - ~eat-eshell-visual-command-mode~: Run visual commands with Eat instead of Term. - ~eat-eshell-mode~: Run Eat inside Eshell. After enabling this, you can run full-screen terminal programs directly in Eshell. You have the above three keybinding modes here too, except that =C-c C-k= is not special (i.e. not bound by Eat) in "emacs" mode and "line" mode. You can add any of these to ~eshell-load-hook~ like the following: #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;; For `eat-eshell-mode'. (add-hook 'eshell-load-hook #'eat-eshell-mode) ;; For `eat-eshell-visual-command-mode'. (add-hook 'eshell-load-hook #'eat-eshell-visual-command-mode) #+end_src To setup shell integration for GNU Bash, put the following at the end of your ~.bashrc~: #+begin_src sh [ -n "$EAT_SHELL_INTEGRATION_DIR" ] && \ source "$EAT_SHELL_INTEGRATION_DIR/bash" #+end_src sh For Zsh, put the following in your ~.zshrc~: #+begin_src sh [ -n "$EAT_SHELL_INTEGRATION_DIR" ] && \ source "$EAT_SHELL_INTEGRATION_DIR/zsh" #+end_src sh There's a Info manual available with much more information, which can be accessed with =C-h i m Eat=, also available [[https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu-devel/doc/eat.html][here on the internet]]. * Installation Eat requires at least Emacs 28.1 or above. ** NonGNU ELPA Eat is available on NonGNU ELPA. If you don't have the archive setup, put something like the following in your init file: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'package-archives '("nongnu" . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/")) #+end_src ** Quelpa #+begin_src emacs-lisp (quelpa '(eat :fetcher git :url "https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-eat" :files ("*.el" ("term" "term/*.el") "*.texi" "*.ti" ("terminfo/e" "terminfo/e/*") ("terminfo/65" "terminfo/65/*") ("integration" "integration/*") (:exclude ".dir-locals.el" "*-tests.el")))) #+end_src ** Straight.el #+begin_src emacs-lisp (straight-use-package '(eat :type git :host codeberg :repo "akib/emacs-eat" :files ("*.el" ("term" "term/*.el") "*.texi" "*.ti" ("terminfo/e" "terminfo/e/*") ("terminfo/65" "terminfo/65/*") ("integration" "integration/*") (:exclude ".dir-locals.el" "*-tests.el")))) #+end_src ** Manual Clone the repository and put it in your ~load-path~. * Comparison With Other Terminal Emulators ** Term Term is the Emacs built-in terminal emulator. Its terminal emulation is pretty good too. But it's slow. It is so slow that Eat can beat native-compiled Term even without byte-compilation, and when Eat is byte-compiled, Eat is more than three times fast. Also, Term flickers, just try to run =emacs -nw= in it. It doesn't support remote connections, for example over Tramp. However, it has "line" mode, which Eat still doesn't have. If you want line mode in a terminal, or use an old version of Emacs, you can use Term, but Coterm + Shell is probably a better choice in case your Emacs version is 26.1 or above. ** Vterm Vterm is powered by a C library, libvterm. For this reason, it can process huge amount of text quickly. It is about 1.5 times faster than Eat (byte-compiled or native-compiled) (and about 2.75 faster then Eat without byte-compilation). But it doesn't have a char mode (however you can make a char mode spending some effort). And it too flickers like Term, so despite being much faster that Eat, it seems to be slow. If you need your terminal to handle huge bursts (megabytes) of data, you should Vterm. ** Coterm + Shell Coterm adds terminal emulation to Shell mode. Although the terminal Coterm emulates is same as Term, it is much faster, about three times, just a bit slow than Eat. However, it too flickers like other terminals. Since it's an upgrade to Shell, you get all the features of Shell like "line" mode, completion using your favorite completion UI (Company, Corfu, etc), etc. Most of these features are available in Eat-Eshell-Mode as Eshell is similar to Shell, however it's not Shell mode. Recommended if you like Shell. * Acknowledgements This wouldn't have been possible if the following awesome softwares didn't exist: - [[https://gnu.org][GNU Operating System]] - [[https://st.suckless.org/][St]] - [[https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/][Kitty]] - [[https://invisible-island.net/xterm/][XTerm]] - [[https://www.gnu.org/software/linux-libre/][Linux-libre]] - [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Terminal-emulator.html][Term]] - [[https://repo.or.cz/emacs-coterm.git][Coterm]] - [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Interactive-Shell.html][Shell]] - [[https://github.com/akermu/emacs-libvterm][Vterm]] - [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/eshell/index.html][Eshell]] - Numerous terminal programs - And obviously, [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][GNU Emacs]]