diff --git a/eat.el b/eat.el
index 50ba2ce..62028db 100644
--- a/eat.el
+++ b/eat.el
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'ansi-color)
+(require 'color)
(require 'shell)
(require 'url)
@@ -944,7 +945,10 @@ For example: when THRESHOLD is 3, \"*foobarbaz\" is converted to
"Structure describing cursor position."
(position nil :documentation "Position of cursor.")
(y 1 :documentation "Y coordinate of cursor.")
- (x 1 :documentation "X coordinate of cursor."))
+ (x 1 :documentation "X coordinate of cursor.")
+ (sixel-x 0 :documentation "X coordinate of Sixel cursor.")
+ (sixel-y 0 :documentation "Y coordinate of Sixel cursor.")
+ (sixel-beg nil :documentation "Cons cell of current sixel line."))
(cl-defstruct (eat--t-disp
(:constructor eat--t-make-disp)
@@ -1067,6 +1071,28 @@ Nil when not in alternative display mode.")
(1value (make-vector 8 nil))
:documentation "Cut buffers.")
+ (sixel-buffer
+ (let ((pair (cons (cons 0 (make-vector 1000 nil)) nil)))
+ (setf (cdr pair) (cons pair pair))
+ pair)
+ :documentation "Buffer to hold Sixel data.")
+ (sixel-buffer-size 1 :documentation "Line count in Sixel buffer.")
+ (sixel-palette
+ (copy-sequence (make-vector 256 nil))
+ :documentation "Sixel color registers.")
+ (sixel-color 0 :documentation "Current Sixel color register.")
+ (sixel-display-method
+ 'background
+ :documentation "Method to display renders Sixel image.")
+ (sixel-image-height
+ nil
+ :documentation "Height of images used to display Sixels.")
+ (sixel-scroll-mode t :documentation "Whether to auto-scroll.")
+ (sixel-initial-cursor-pos
+ '(1 . 1)
+ :documentation "Initial position of cursor before entering Sixel.")
+ (char-width 1 :documentation "Width of each character in pixel.")
+ (char-height 1 :documentation "Height of each character in pixel.")
;; NOTE: Change the default value of parameters when changing this.
(bold-face 'eat-term-bold :documentation "Face for bold text.")
(faint-face 'eat-term-faint :documentation "Face for faint text.")
@@ -1143,6 +1169,7 @@ Don't `set' it, bind it to a value with `let'.")
(setf (eat--t-term-mouse-mode eat--t-term) nil)
(setf (eat--t-term-mouse-encoding eat--t-term) nil)
(setf (eat--t-term-focus-event-mode eat--t-term) nil)
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-scroll-mode eat--t-term) t)
;; Clear everything.
(delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
;; Inform the UI about our new state.
@@ -1465,10 +1492,14 @@ character or its the internal invisible spaces."
(eat--t-term-face eat--t-term)))
(backward-char (- width moved))))))
-(defun eat--t-fix-partial-multi-col-char ()
- "Replace any partial multi-column character with spaces."
- (let ((face (eat--t-face-face
- (eat--t-term-face eat--t-term))))
+(defun eat--t-fix-partial-multi-col-char (&optional preserve-face)
+ "Replace any partial multi-column character with spaces.
+If PRESERVE-FACE is non-nil, preserve original face."
+ (let ((face (if preserve-face
+ (get-char-property (point) 'face)
+ (eat--t-face-face
+ (eat--t-term-face eat--t-term)))))
(if (get-text-property (point) 'eat--t-invisible-space)
(let ((start-pos (point))
(count nil))
@@ -2686,20 +2717,47 @@ the format \"file://HOST/CWD/\"; HOST can be empty."
(funcall (eat--t-term-set-cwd-fn eat--t-term)
eat--t-term host dir)))))))
-(defun eat--t-send-device-attrs (params format)
+(defun eat--t-send-device-attrs (n format)
"Return device attributes.
-PARAMS is the parameter list and FORMAT is the format of parameters in
+FORMAT is the format of parameters in output. N should be zero."
(pcase-exhaustive format
- (when (= (or (caar params) 1) 0)
+ (when (= (or n 0) 0)
(funcall (eat--t-term-input-fn eat--t-term) eat--t-term
- "\e[?1;2c")))
+ "\e[?12;4c")))
- (when (= (or (caar params) 1) 0)
+ (when (= (or n 0) 0)
(funcall (eat--t-term-input-fn eat--t-term) eat--t-term
- "\e[>0;242;0c")))))
+ "\e[>0;0;0c")))))
+(defun eat--t-send-graphics-attrs (attr operation)
+ "Send graphics attributes.
+ATTR is the attribute requested, OPERATION is the thing to do (only
+reading an attribute is supported)."
+ (funcall
+ (eat--t-term-input-fn eat--t-term) eat--t-term
+ (if (memq operation '(1 4))
+ (pcase attr
+ (1
+ ;; TODO: Maybe provide an user option to control the value?
+ ;; count?
+ (format "\e[?1;0;256S"))
+ (2
+ ;; TODO: Maybe provide an user option to control the value?
+ (let ((disp (eat--t-term-display eat--t-term)))
+ (format "\e[?2;0;%i;%iS"
+ (min (* (eat--t-disp-width disp)
+ (eat--t-term-char-width eat--t-term))
+ 1000)
+ (min (* (eat--t-disp-height disp)
+ (eat--t-term-char-height eat--t-term))
+ 1000))))
+ (_
+ (format "\e[?%i;1S" attr)))
+ (format "\e[?%i;%iS" attr
+ (if (<= 1 attr 2) (if (<= 2 operation 3) 3 2) 1)))))
(defun eat--t-report-foreground-color ()
"Report the current default foreground color to the client."
@@ -2709,7 +2767,7 @@ output."
;; On terminals like TTYs the above returns nil.
;; Terminals usually have a white foreground, so...
'(255 255 255))))
- (format "\e]10;%04x/%04x/%04x\e\\"
+ (format "\e]10;rgb:%04x/%04x/%04x\e\\"
(pop rgb) (pop rgb) (pop rgb)))))
(defun eat--t-report-background-color ()
@@ -2720,7 +2778,7 @@ output."
;; On terminals like TTYs the above returns nil.
;; Terminals usually have a black background, so...
'(0 0 0))))
- (format "\e]11;%04x/%04x/%04x\e\\"
+ (format "\e]11;rgb:%04x/%04x/%04x\e\\"
(pop rgb) (pop rgb) (pop rgb)))))
(defun eat--t-manipulate-selection (targets data)
@@ -2810,6 +2868,257 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
(aset (eat--t-term-cut-buffers eat--t-term) (- i ?0)
+(defun eat--t-sixel-init ()
+ "Initialize Sixel mode."
+ (let ((default-palette
+ (eval-when-compile
+ (vconcat '("#000000" "#3333cc" "#cc2121" "#33cc33"
+ "#cc33cc" "#33cccc" "#cccc33" "#878787"
+ "#424242" "#545499" "#994242" "#549954"
+ "#995499" "#549999" "#999954" "#cccccc")
+ (make-list 240 "#000000")))))
+ (dotimes (i 256)
+ (setf (aref (eat--t-term-sixel-palette eat--t-term) i)
+ (aref default-palette i))))
+ ;; We just follow XTerm and set the initial foreground color to 3.
+ ;; But even the XTerm authors are unsure about what was the actual
+ ;; default.
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-color eat--t-term) 3)
+ (while (< (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer-size eat--t-term)
+ (+ (eat--t-term-char-height eat--t-term) 5))
+ (let ((new
+ (cons (cons 0 (make-vector 1000 nil))
+ (cons (cadr (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term))
+ (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term)))))
+ (setf (cddr (cadr (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term))) new)
+ (setf (cadr (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term)) new)
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term) new))
+ (cl-incf (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer-size eat--t-term)))
+ (let* ((beg (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term))
+ (line beg)
+ (loop t))
+ (while loop
+ (cl-loop for i from 0 to (1- (caar line))
+ do (aset (cdar line) i nil))
+ (setf (caar line) 0)
+ (setq line (cddr line))
+ (when (eq line beg)
+ (setq loop nil))))
+ (let ((cursor (eat--t-disp-cursor
+ (eat--t-term-display eat--t-term))))
+ (setf (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor) 0)
+ (setf (eat--t-cur-sixel-y cursor) 0)
+ (setf (eat--t-cur-sixel-beg cursor)
+ (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term))
+ (unless (eat--t-term-sixel-scroll-mode eat--t-term)
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-initial-cursor-pos eat--t-term)
+ (cons (eat--t-cur-y cursor) (eat--t-cur-x cursor)))
+ (eat--t-goto 1 1))))
+(defun eat--t-sixel-write (str beg end count)
+ "Write substring [BEG..END) of STR COUNT times to Sixel buffer."
+ (let ((cursor (eat--t-disp-cursor
+ (eat--t-term-display eat--t-term))))
+ (dotimes (_ count)
+ (cl-loop
+ for i from beg to (1- end) do
+ (when (= (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor) 1000)
+ (setf (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor) 999))
+ (let ((bitmap (- (aref str i) ??))
+ (j 0)
+ (line (eat--t-cur-sixel-beg cursor))
+ (color (aref (eat--t-term-sixel-palette eat--t-term)
+ (eat--t-term-sixel-color eat--t-term))))
+ (while (< j 6)
+ (when (/= (logand bitmap (ash 1 j)) 0)
+ (aset (cdar line) (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor) color))
+ (setf line (cddr line))
+ (cl-incf j)))
+ (cl-incf (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor))))
+ (let ((i 5)
+ (line (eat--t-cur-sixel-beg cursor)))
+ (while (>= i 0)
+ (setf (caar line) (max (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor)
+ (caar line)))
+ (setf line (cddr line))
+ (cl-decf i)))
+ (when (= (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor) 1000)
+ (setf (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor) 999))))
+(defun eat--t-sixel-flush-line (nullify)
+ "Flush current (not Sixel) line to the display.
+If NULLIFY is non-nil, nullify flushed part of Sixel buffer."
+ (let* ((disp (eat--t-term-display eat--t-term))
+ (cursor (eat--t-disp-cursor disp))
+ (sixel-col-count 0)
+ (char-count 0)
+ (lines [])
+ (char-size (cons (eat--t-term-char-width eat--t-term)
+ (eat--t-term-char-height eat--t-term))))
+ (when (< (length lines) (cdr char-size))
+ (setq lines (make-vector (cdr char-size) nil)))
+ (let ((line (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term)))
+ (dotimes (i (cdr char-size))
+ (setq sixel-col-count (max sixel-col-count (caar line)))
+ (aset lines i (car line))
+ (setf line (cddr line))))
+ (setq char-count
+ (min
+ (/ (+ sixel-col-count (1- (car char-size)))
+ (car char-size))
+ (- (eat--t-disp-width disp) (1- (eat--t-cur-x cursor)))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((j 0))
+ (dotimes (_ char-count)
+ (unless (equal (get-text-property
+ (point) 'eat--t-sixel-bitmap-size)
+ char-size)
+ (let ((color
+ (unless (memq (char-after (point)) '(?\n nil))
+ (plist-get (get-text-property (point) 'face)
+ :background)))
+ (bitmap (make-vector (cdr char-size) nil)))
+ (dotimes (i (cdr char-size))
+ (aset bitmap i (make-vector (car char-size) color)))
+ (insert
+ (propertize " " 'eat--t-sixel-bitmap-size char-size
+ 'eat--t-sixel-bitmap bitmap))
+ (unless (memq (char-after (point)) '(?\n nil))
+ (delete-region (point) (1+ (point))))
+ (backward-char)))
+ (let ((bitmap (get-text-property
+ (point) 'eat--t-sixel-bitmap))
+ (i 0))
+ (while (and (< i (car char-size))
+ (< j 1000))
+ (dotimes (k (cdr char-size))
+ (when-let* ((color (aref (cdr (aref lines k)) j)))
+ (setf (aref (aref bitmap k) i) color)))
+ (cl-incf i)
+ (cl-incf j))
+ (pcase-exhaustive
+ (eat--t-term-sixel-display-method eat--t-term)
+ ('background
+ (when-let* ((color (aref (aref bitmap 0) 0)))
+ (put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'face
+ `(:background ,color))))
+ ('half-block
+ (let ((fg (aref (aref bitmap (/ (cdr char-size) 2)) 0))
+ (bg (aref (aref bitmap 0) 0)))
+ (when (or fg bg)
+ (put-text-property
+ (point) (1+ (point)) 'display
+ (propertize
+ "▄" 'face
+ `(,@(and bg `(:background ,bg))
+ :foreground ,(or fg (face-background
+ 'default))))))))
+ ('svg
+ (put-text-property
+ (point) (1+ (point)) 'display
+ `(image
+ :type svg
+ :data
+ ,(apply
+ #'concat
+ (format "")))
+ (dotimes (i (cdr char-size))
+ (dotimes (j (car char-size))
+ (when-let*
+ ((color (aref (aref bitmap i) j)))
+ (push
+ (concat
+ "" color))
+ strs))))
+ strs))
+ :height ,(eat--t-term-sixel-image-height
+ eat--t-term)
+ :ascent center)))))
+ (forward-char)
+ (eat--t-fix-partial-multi-col-char 'preserve-face))))
+ (dotimes (_ (cdr char-size))
+ (let ((line (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term)))
+ (when nullify
+ (cl-loop for i from 0 to (1- (caar line))
+ do (aset (cdar line) i nil))
+ (setf (caar line) 0))
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term) (cddr line))))
+ (cl-decf (eat--t-cur-sixel-y cursor) (cdr char-size))))
+(defun eat--t-sixel-newline ()
+ "Move to a new Sixel line."
+ (let ((cursor (eat--t-disp-cursor
+ (eat--t-term-display eat--t-term))))
+ (setf (eat--t-cur-sixel-x cursor) 0)
+ (cl-incf (eat--t-cur-sixel-y cursor) 6)
+ (dotimes (_ 6)
+ (setf (eat--t-cur-sixel-beg cursor)
+ (cddr (eat--t-cur-sixel-beg cursor))))
+ (while (>= (eat--t-cur-sixel-y cursor)
+ (eat--t-term-char-height eat--t-term))
+ (eat--t-sixel-flush-line 'nullify)
+ (if (eat--t-term-sixel-scroll-mode eat--t-term)
+ (eat--t-index)
+ (eat--t-cur-down)))))
+(defun eat--t-sixel-set-color-reg (reg spec)
+ "Set Sixel color register REG as described by SPEC."
+ (when (<= reg 255)
+ (let ((color
+ (cond
+ ((= (car spec) 1)
+ (when (and (<= (nth 1 spec) 360)
+ (<= (nth 2 spec) 100)
+ (<= (nth 3 spec) 100))
+ (let ((rgb (color-hsl-to-rgb (/ (nth 1 spec) 360.0)
+ (/ (nth 3 spec) 100.0)
+ (/ (nth 2 spec) 100.0))))
+ (color-rgb-to-hex (nth 0 rgb) (nth 1 rgb)
+ (nth 2 rgb) 2))))
+ ((= (car spec) 2)
+ (when (and (<= (nth 1 spec) 100)
+ (<= (nth 2 spec) 100)
+ (<= (nth 3 spec) 100))
+ (color-rgb-to-hex (/ (nth 1 spec) 100.0)
+ (/ (nth 2 spec) 100.0)
+ (/ (nth 3 spec) 100.0) 2))))))
+ (when color
+ (aset (eat--t-term-sixel-palette eat--t-term) reg color)))))
+(defun eat--t-sixel-cleanup ()
+ "Cleanup before potential exit from Sixel mode."
+ (cl-letf* ((cursor (eat--t-disp-cursor
+ (eat--t-term-display eat--t-term)))
+ ((eat--t-cur-sixel-y cursor) (eat--t-cur-sixel-y cursor))
+ ((eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term)
+ (eat--t-term-sixel-buffer eat--t-term)))
+ (while (>= (eat--t-cur-sixel-y cursor) -5)
+ (eat--t-sixel-flush-line nil)
+ (when (>= (eat--t-cur-sixel-y cursor) -5)
+ (if (eat--t-term-sixel-scroll-mode eat--t-term)
+ (eat--t-index)
+ (eat--t-cur-down)))))
+ (unless (eat--t-term-sixel-scroll-mode eat--t-term)
+ (eat--t-goto
+ (car (eat--t-term-sixel-initial-cursor-pos eat--t-term))
+ (cdr (eat--t-term-sixel-initial-cursor-pos eat--t-term)))))
+(defun eat--t-sixel-enable-scrolling ()
+ "Enable Sixel scrolling mode."
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-scroll-mode eat--t-term) t))
+(defun eat--t-sixel-disable-scrolling ()
+ "Disable Sixel scrolling mode."
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-scroll-mode eat--t-term) nil))
(defun eat--t-prompt-start ()
"Call shell prompt start hook."
(funcall (eat--t-term-prompt-start-fn eat--t-term) eat--t-term))
@@ -2865,6 +3174,8 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
+ ('(80)
+ (eat--t-sixel-disable-scrolling))
@@ -2902,6 +3213,8 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
+ ('(80)
+ (eat--t-sixel-enable-scrolling))
(`(,(or 9 1000 1002 1003))
@@ -3016,7 +3329,8 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
;; ESC P, or DCS.
(1value (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
- '(read-dcs ""))))
+ `(read-dcs-params (read-dcs-function)
+ ,(list nil)))))
;; ESC X, or SOS.
(1value (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
@@ -3062,7 +3376,7 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
`(read-csi-params ,format ,(list (list nil))))))
(`(read-csi-params ,format ,params)
;; Interpretion of the parameter depends on `format' and
- ;; other things (including things we haven't got yet)
+ ;; other things (including things we haven't gotten yet)
;; according to the standard. We don't recognize any other
;; format of parameters, so we can skip any checks.
(let ((loop t))
@@ -3164,6 +3478,10 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
;; CSI S.
(`((?S) nil ((,n)))
(eat--t-scroll-up n))
+ ;; CSI ? ; ; ... S.
+ (`((?S) ?? ,(or `((,_) (,operation) (,attr))
+ `((,_) (,_) (,operation) (,attr))))
+ (eat--t-send-graphics-attrs attr operation))
;; CSI T.
(`((?T) nil ((,n)))
(eat--t-scroll-down n))
@@ -3178,16 +3496,8 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
(eat--t-repeat-last-char n))
;; CSI c.
;; CSI > c.
- (`((?c) ,format ,(and (pred listp) params))
- ;; Reverse `params' to get it into the correct
- ;; order.
- (setq params (nreverse params))
- (let ((p params))
- (while p
- (setf (car p) (nreverse (car p)))
- (setq p (cdr p))))
- ;; TODO: This function kinda a HACK.
- (eat--t-send-device-attrs params format))
+ (`((?c) ,format ((,n)))
+ (eat--t-send-device-attrs n format))
;; CSI d.
(`((?d) nil ((,n)))
(eat--t-cur-vertical-abs n))
@@ -3239,8 +3549,7 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
;; CSI u.
(`((?u) nil nil)
- (`(,(and (or 'read-dcs 'read-sos 'read-osc 'read-pm 'read-apc)
- state)
+ (`(,(and (or 'read-sos 'read-osc 'read-pm 'read-apc) state)
;; Find the end of string.
(let ((match (string-match (if (eq state 'read-osc)
@@ -3340,6 +3649,122 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
targets data))))))))))
+ (`(read-dcs-params ,next-state ,params)
+ ;; There is no standard format of device control strings, but
+ ;; all DEC and XTerm DCS sequences (including those we
+ ;; support) follow this particular format.
+ (let ((loop t))
+ (while loop
+ (cond
+ ((= index (length output))
+ ;; Output exhausted. We need to wait for more.
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ `(read-dcs-params ,next-state ,params))
+ (setq loop nil))
+ ((not (or (<= ?0 (aref output index) ?9)
+ (= (aref output index) ?\;)))
+ ;; End of parameters.
+ ;; NOTE: All parameter and their parts are in reverse
+ ;; order!
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ `(,@next-state ,params))
+ (setq loop nil))
+ (t
+ (if (= (aref output index) ?\;)
+ ;; New parameter.
+ (push nil params)
+ ;; Number, save it.
+ (setf (car params)
+ (+ (* (or (car params) 0) 10)
+ (- (aref output index) #x30))))
+ (cl-incf index))))))
+ (`(read-dcs-function ,params)
+ (cl-incf index)
+ (pcase (aref output (1- index))
+ (?q
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ `(read-sixel init ,params)))
+ (?\e
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ '(read-potential-st (read-dcs-fallback))))
+ (_
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ '(read-dcs-fallback))
+ (cl-decf index))))
+ (`(read-potential-st ,else)
+ (if (/= (aref output index) ?\\)
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term) else)
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term) nil)
+ (cl-incf index)))
+ (`(read-dcs-fallback)
+ (let ((loop t))
+ (while (and loop (/= index (length output)))
+ (when (= (aref output index) ?\e)
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ '(read-potential-st (read-dcs-fallback)))
+ (setq loop nil))
+ (cl-incf index))))
+ (`(read-sixel ,cmd ,params)
+ (when cmd
+ (pcase cmd
+ ('init
+ (eat--t-sixel-init))
+ ('set-color
+ (when (and (= (length params) 1)
+ (<= (or (car params) 0) 255))
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-color eat--t-term)
+ (or (car params) 0)))
+ (when (= (length params) 5)
+ (cl-destructuring-bind (z y x coord-sys reg) params
+ (eat--t-sixel-set-color-reg
+ (or reg 0) (list coord-sys (or x 0) (or y 0)
+ (or z 0))))))
+ ('rle
+ (eat--t-sixel-write output index (1+ index)
+ (or (car params) 0))
+ (cl-incf index))
+ ('set-raster-attr
+ ;; TODO: Implement.
+ ))
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ `(read-sixel nil nil)))
+ (let ((loop t))
+ (while (and loop (/= index (length output)))
+ (if (<= ?? (aref output index) ?~)
+ (let ((ins-beg index))
+ (while (and (/= index (length output))
+ (<= ?? (aref output index) ?~))
+ (cl-incf index))
+ (eat--t-sixel-write output ins-beg index 1))
+ (cl-incf index)
+ (pcase (aref output (1- index))
+ (?!
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ `(read-dcs-params (read-sixel rle)
+ ,(list nil)))
+ (setq loop nil))
+ (?-
+ (eat--t-sixel-newline))
+ (?$
+ (setf (eat--t-cur-sixel-x
+ (eat--t-disp-cursor
+ (eat--t-term-display eat--t-term)))
+ 0))
+ (?\#
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ `(read-dcs-params (read-sixel set-color)
+ ,(list nil)))
+ (setq loop nil))
+ (?\"
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ `(read-dcs-params (read-sixel set-raster-attr)
+ ,(list nil)))
+ (setq loop nil))
+ (?\e
+ (eat--t-sixel-cleanup)
+ (setf (eat--t-term-parser-state eat--t-term)
+ '(read-potential-st (read-dcs-fallback)))
+ (setq loop nil)))))))
(`(read-charset-standard ,slot ,buf)
;; Find the end.
(let ((match (string-match (rx (any ?0 ?2 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?9 ?<
@@ -3583,7 +4008,23 @@ is the selection data encoded in base64."
(unless (and (symbolp value) (facep value))
(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list '(symbolp facep) value)))
(setf (aref (eat--t-term-font-faces terminal) index)
- value)))
+ value))
+ ('char-dimensions
+ (unless (and (consp value)
+ (integerp (car value))
+ (> (car value) 0)
+ (integerp (cdr value))
+ (> (cdr value) 0))
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'consp value)))
+ (setf (eat--t-term-char-width terminal) (car value))
+ (setf (eat--t-term-char-height terminal) (cdr value)))
+ ('sixel-display-method
+ (unless (memq value '(background half-block svg))
+ (error "`sixel-display-method' parameter must be set to one of\
+ the supported methods"))
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-display-method terminal) value))
+ ('sixel-image-height
+ (setf (eat--t-term-sixel-image-height terminal) value)))
;; Set the parameter.
(puthash parameter value (eat--t-term-params terminal)))
@@ -5709,6 +6150,21 @@ same Eat buffer. The hook `eat-exec-hook' is run after each exec."
(setf (eat-term-cmd-finish-function eat--terminal)
+ (setf (eat-term-parameter eat--terminal 'sixel-display-method)
+ (cond ((and (display-graphic-p)
+ (image-type-available-p 'svg))
+ 'svg)
+ ((char-displayable-p ?▄) 'half-block)
+ (t 'background)))
+ (when (display-graphic-p)
+ (setf (eat-term-parameter eat--terminal 'sixel-image-height)
+ (cons (/ (float (default-font-height))
+ (font-get
+ (font-spec :name (face-font 'default))
+ :size))
+ 'em)))
+ (setf (eat-term-parameter eat--terminal 'char-dimensions)
+ (cons (default-font-width) (default-font-height)))
;; Crank up a new process.
(let* ((size (eat-term-size eat--terminal))